I hold these truths to be self-evident...

Oprah ends each edition of her 'O Magazine' with the last-page article entitled "What I know for Sure". Reading the last issue, it made me think about what I know for sure (or what I THINK I know for sure).
So Far, I have learned that:
1- I believe in LOVE. I just haven’t really experienced it yet.
2- Power and Beauty are the constructs around which everything is based.
3- Bullshit, no matter how pretty it’s packaged, no matter how many polysyllabic words surround it, no matter how many people tout it as dogma, no matter how it has withstood the test of time, is still- at its core- BULLSHIT!
4- Sooner or later, everyone-EVERYONE- will disappoint you at some point and on some level. And there will come a time when you will also disappoint yourself
5- YOU have the power to dictate the way you are going to be treated.
6- If you surround yourself with people unlike yourself who have their own talents, aspirations, and vision, YOU grow more.
7- Skin color will ALWAYS matter- even to those who lecture that it shouldn’t.
8- Even those that should know better, don’t always know better.
9- Ms. Mitchell was right; you don’t know what u got ‘til its gone.
10-The MOST important lessons you can teach a child are that they are BEAUTIFUL and that they MATTER!!!
11-People show you EXACTLY WHO THEY ARE within the first 5 minutes of you meeting them.
12-There are always THREE sides to any story.
What do YOU know for sure?
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