Noah's Arc...Let's get REAL!!!

So... I've had a chance to FINALLY sit back and etch onto the tableau in my mind exactly how I feel about the whole 'Noah's Arc' controversy/debacle/ground-breaking series that has erupted on the LOGO channel ( and on countless online groups/blogs. Let me first admit something- being the prurient "pseudo-homo-thug" I sometimes like to THINK I am, I agreed with those that said that the show was unrealistic- that the characters were overdramatized fem/drag queens and that seeing those images of black gay men would only further marginalize US. I agreed with those that found Noah's "drag" disconcerting (I mean, c'mon, the last person I saw tie a scarf around their neck like that was Pinky Tuscadero on 'Happy Days'!!!). I agreed with those that complained that the only "masculine" offerings were the main character's mates. I agreed with those that pooh-poohed the idea of these decidedly feminine creatures actually having MANLY partners ("that would NEVER happen in real life!!").
And then I did something that I think a LOT of us should do- I let go of all the BULLSHIT. I let go of the FEAR of being represented by someone who was not as masculine as I purport to be. I let go of all of the stereotyping and nitpicking and critiquing of the "realness" of the show and realized---it IS realistic. It's SOMEBODY'S reality. This is SOMEBODY's story. There ARE millions of Noah's and Chances and Rickys and Alexes- and some of us are fortunate enough to know a lot of them. How many of OUR friends/associates possess the "I'm happy, I'm carefree, I'm gay- I was born this way" nonchalance of Noah, or the stoic witticism of Chance? How many of us, while at the club, enjoy the occassional company of a flamboyant femboy with a heart of gold like Alex? And while we're discussing REALNESS, how many of us know (or ARE or HAVE been), the 'looking-for-love-in-all-the-wrong-places' SLUT that we see in Ricky? Once I was able to put THAT into perspective, I was able to do what I should have been able to do in the first place---WATCH THE SHOW. I was able to dissect and discern the VOICE of the show- what it is trying to say. I'll say this; even if I don't necessarily relate personally to the main characters, I relate to its central theme; that through all the trials, tribulations and travails of this hurricane we call LIFE, it certainly is great to be able to have ONE other person in your life who will be there through thick and thin to complement, assist, and guide you through it. If you have more than one (in this case, THREE), you are truly blessed. Love is love is LOVE and you don't get any more DEEP than that. That when all is said and done- when the general population has devalued and denigrated you, when the love of your life turns out to be the regret you wish you hadn't had to experience, or when you need somebody to just back you up with a baseball bat (lol), we ALL hope to have SOMEBODY in our corner. I've only watched the first 3 episodes, and I already get that.
Now here I am, 3 episodes deep, and I'm deeming Noah's Arc Tivo-worthy. I think we as a COMMUNITY need to check ourselves with regard to who we're fighting against (ourselves?) and what exactly ARE the stories we want to tell about ourselves. Are we, as Noah so aptly states in the last episode, so caught up in "idolizing... hyper-masculine ideals" that we don't want our somewhat-limp-wristed brethrens' stories to be told? As there are undoubtedly countless stories we can tell (because we are NOT monolithic), I submit that this show opens the door (and indeed the DIALOGUE) for us to continue to tell the story of the gay diaspora. And before I come off all "holier-than-thou", I need to state what I think is the obvious- Wade and Trey are fine as F&*&^%%^CK!!! I hit the rewind button a COUPLE of times when Wade is shirtless on the treadmill or when Trey comes out of the bathroom KILLIN it in those boxer briefs! But I digress...
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